A Painting Playground

I have been wondering how to go about creating an online environment where I can interact with my customers.  I have such a diverse group of people who I come into contact with at the shop.  However, a good part of them live up north half of the year!  I want to be able to still be in touch and help them while they are gone.  And now more then ever with Covid 19, people are going to be looking for a space to go and interact, learn, share and support each other at home, maybe even in your pajamas!!!
This is all new to me, I haven't got it all figured out yet but I know it can work.   I am going to create an online membership group called A Painter's Playground. What I need is for you to help me create and mold this group into what it needs to become. You can help me discover what works and what doesn't work.  
I am looking for some founding members.  You all will be helping me shape and mold this idea that I am so confident will become a successful group.  If you decide you want to help me get this group off the ground you will be grandfathered in at the founding member price of $17 a month. This price will never be offered again.  (Membership will most likely run about $37 a month once we get it figured out.) Think of it as like a thank you for helping me get this off the ground and running!  Also, you will receive a discount on paint and paint supplies for as long as you are a member. 
My idea for this group is to do exactly what the title says.....PLAY!  Play with paint.  I will show you old, new, trending and mixed media paint techniques.  I would like to have guest speakers come into the group and do live video's on paint finishes.  I am thinking also a monthly live Q & A time.  What about a kit and we can all paint live together?   But, like it said this idea is rough, it's in my head and looking for help shaping the group.  If this sounds like something you want to help me out with please sign up here to be added to the list.  I will email you when I know more.  Thank you!